明智的, 李, 打算今年秋季在MECC注册的2024届毕业生必须完成MECC奖学金申请 www.作为国内.edu/scholarship by August 1 in order to qualify.
What is the MECC 承诺项目?
Beginning with the graduating class of 2023, 毕业于公立学校或认可的家庭协会的学生, 斯科特, 明智的, Dickenson and City of Norton can attend MECC tuition-free. 要符合资格,学生必须:
- 保持2分.每学期0分,累积绩点,连续入学,全日制.
- Meet Virginia in-state domicile requirements, 驻留在服务区域, and able to provide proof of residency.
- 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA),并在每年8月1日之前提交所有必需的文件. (夏季入学5月1日)
- Complete the MECC Foundation Scholarship application at 作为国内.edu/scholarship 每年8月1日. (夏季入学5月1日)
- 在收到奖学金后,学生必须推荐几个靠谱的买球网站奖学金捐赠者写一封感谢信. 未在指定日期前完成感谢信的学生将被取消奖学金.
Where can I find information about the MECC 承诺项目?
Are students who graduated high school before 2023 eligible?
No, the MECC 承诺项目 begins with 2023 high school graduates. 学生 graduated high school in prior years
can still apply and be considered, for MECC Foundation 奖学金.
What are the requirements to qualify for the MECC 承诺项目?
Please refer to the 承诺项目 website for eligibility requirements.
What are the requirements to remain eligible for the MECC 承诺项目?
学生 are required to maintain a 2.每学期的平均绩点为0分,累积平均绩点为0分,继续注册,并且
必须在规定的截止日期前完成FAFSA和MECC奖学金申请. 学生也必须留在
What if I receive other financial aid?
The 承诺项目 is a “last dollar” program, designed to guarantee that the student will not pay any tuition/fees while
completing their degree at MECC. This is done by filling in “gaps” that regular financial aid does not cover. 学生
通过承诺计划. 毕竟,如果申请了另一项援助,学生需要支付学费/杂费的余额
承诺项目 will cover that amount.
迪肯森县获得哥伦布·菲普斯奖学金的学者不会将他们的哥伦布·菲普斯奖学金用于学费,他们可以利用这些资金购买书籍. 迪肯森县非目标学生的奖学金将用于学费.
What if I receive other scholarships?
If a student receives a MECC Foundation Scholarship, that is considered to be an internal award and the scholarship funds
在使用MECC承诺计划资金之前,将用于支付学生的学杂费. 如果学生
receives a scholarship from an external source, those funds will not be applied to tuition/fees and the student may utilize
Does the MECC 承诺项目 cover book costs?
No, the MECC 承诺项目 does not cover book/supplies costs.
What if my GPA falls below the required GPA?
Eligible students are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA for each semester of attendance and for their cumulative GPA. 失败
保持要求的GPA将导致立即失去MECC承诺计划的资格. 没有吸引力
特殊情况下. Loss of eligibility is permanent.
How long do I have 承诺项目 eligibility?
or 72 credit hours, or completion of the student’s first associate’s degree. 作为国内的 承诺项目 only covers courses
required to graduate in the student’s designated program of study.
Does the MECC 承诺项目 cover summer classes?
Yes, students may elect to enroll in Summer courses. 作为国内的 承诺项目 only covers courses required to graduate
in the student’s designated program of study.
先到者为准. 如果一个学生改变了他们的专业,这会导致更长的注册期, 这个学生将是
responsible for covering their educational costs.
Can MECC 承诺项目 funds be used to cover classes at another school?
No. 作为国内的 承诺项目 is Mountain Empire Community College specific. 学生 electing to take courses at
another higher education institution are responsible for payment.
学生在一个有规定课程安排的选择性录取项目中. 最后一个学期的学生
不居住在弗吉尼亚州的学生不符合MECC承诺计划的资格. However, students living within
田纳西州半径30英里以内的学生可能有资格享受州内学费. To request information on how to
申请州内学费,请发送电子邮件至注册服务中心 enroll@作为国内.edu.
How do I apply for the MECC 承诺项目?
每年8月1日(夏季入学5月1日)与助学金办公室联系。. 学生还必须完成
What if I move out of state after 高中毕业?
学生必须保持弗吉尼亚州的住所资格,才有资格参加MECC承诺计划. 更新失败
to return any erroneously awarded funds. 学生 classified as dependent have a domicile based on their parents. 为
questions or more information, please contact Enrollment Services at enroll@作为国内.edu.
What is considered a recognized home school association?
通过家庭教育完成高中学业的学生必须符合弗吉尼亚州法律的要求. 最后
transcripts with authoritative signatures and graduation dates are required.
What is the difference between the Promise program and the 目标 Scholarship?
目标项目是为打算转到UVA-明智的完成四年制学位的学生设计的. 目标
要求学生在高中时完成更严格的课程和志愿服务. 作为国内的
field, or who intend to transfer to a college other than UVA-明智的.
If a student is enrolled in more than one course, they would not lose 承诺项目 eligibility if the cumulative GPA
这学期剩下2个.0或以上. 但是,学生获得W成绩的课程包含在
72-credit maximum for the 承诺项目 eligibility.
Can I use the 承诺项目 for a second degree at MECC?
No, the 承诺项目 will support up to 72 credit hours at MECC, 或第一个副学士学位, 哪个是
What if I decide to graduate early? (Beginning with 2024 December graduates)
高中毕业. 在另一所大学注册的学生或选择等待一个学期才在MECC注册的学生
没有资格申请承诺计划,但可能有资格申请其他财政援助基金. December graduates must enroll in
the following Spring semester at MECC to receive the Promise scholarship.
No. 承诺计划旨在为参加课程的学生提供经济援助,从而完成学位. 在你的专业中,非毕业必修课程将不包括在内. 如果学生选择继续就读,他们必须自己安排支付这些课程的费用.
What if I withdraw from all of my classes?
如果一个学生在一个学期内退了所有的课程,并且得到了所有的“W”等级, 这个学生将不再是
eligible for the MECC 承诺项目. 没有吸引力 特殊情况下. Loss of eligibility is permanent.
为 more information, contact the MECC财政援助办公室 电话:276-523-7470或 fa@作为国内.edu.