The Oxbow School is accepting sophomore, junior, senior, and gap year applications for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters, and the 2024 Summer Art Institute.
Oxbow欢迎有上进心、有好奇心、乐于学习的申请人. APPLY NOW for a semester or summer like no other! Oxbow将滚动皇冠平台登录所有2024 + 2025学期和夏季课程,并将继续接受申请,直到所有课程全部入学. Applicants interested in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, 或2025年春季应该计划尽快完成他们的材料.
Questions? Email us at:
Semester + Summer Application Process
Online Application
In order to begin the application process, please complete the online form 然后选择你有兴趣申请的秋季、春季或夏季牛轭项目.
Once this step is completed, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何为应用程序门户创建登录的说明. Please note, Your username is your email address with .oxbow at the end. (ex. Materials can be submitted through the application portal or emailed to
Oxbow皇冠平台登录团队将与您联系,帮助您完成申请, assist you in applying for tuition assistance as needed, and answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to reach out to us directly at
Semester Application Documents
- Self-portrait in any medium
- Parent/Guardian Statement
- Student Questionnaire
- 您最近的正式高中成绩单副本(必须签名并直接从您的学校邮寄或电子邮件到Oxbow)
- Two teacher recommendations (teacher instructions pdf)
- A 300-word essay on one of the following subjects. 如果申请间隔学期,请使用下面的间隔学期提示:
1. “Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.” - Pablo Picasso. 选择一件艺术作品或一位艺术家,让你认识到自己和/或你周围的世界的真相. Discuss.
2. 选择一件你认为最能反映你自画像的当代(二战后)艺术作品. Describe.
3. Project yourself 50 years into the future. You have just finished your 250 page autobiography. How does the 3rd chapter begin?
- 描述一个你作为Gap学生在学期中想关注的项目和感兴趣的领域. What open-ended question(s) would you like to explore in depth? Which studio(s) would you like to concentrate in? 如果你想在牛轭学校社区中担任领导角色或寻求实习机会, 请解释作为间隔学生,你希望在学期中发展哪些技能. Leadership roles might include: studio teaching assistant, culinary arts intern, elementary school volunteer, or residential life coordinator.
Summer Art Institute Application Documents
Application materials for the Oxbow Summer Art Institute include:
- Self-portrait in any medium or style
- Parent/Guardian Statement
- Student Questionnaire
Materials can be submitted through the application portal or emailed to
Working With Your Sending School
At Oxbow, 我们完全致力于与您和您的学校合作,以最好地支持您的校园体验,并返回您的母校. Oxbow定期接待来自一些全国顶级公立和私立高中的学生,并有超过20年的经验,帮助学生保持他们的学术需求. 申请过程的第一步是让家长与他们的送学学校见面,并审查我们的申请 Curriculum Guide with the counselor or advisor. 这将允许你的发送学校帮助你计划你的课程安排. Please feel free to contact our Director of Admissions, Jason Tucker, 如果你有任何皇冠平台你的送校工作的问题,我们在这里帮助你解决任何可能出现的问题.
Questions can be directed to Jason Tucker, Director of Admissions at or 707.363.0449.
Supporting Your Education Goals
Math and Language
对于那些将在牛堡学习数学和/或世界语言的学生, 我们建议您与您的发送学校的数学和/或语言老师见面,以确保在Oxbow完成的工作将满足发送学校的文凭要求, and to collect books, syllabi and any other materials needed to support your work at Oxbow. Oxbow要求所有被录取的学生与他们的学校辅导员或顾问一起完成在线课程表格.
Online Courses
一些学生发现,在线课程可以成为一种获得Oxbow没有提供的课程学分的方式. 在线课程的学分由发送学校自行决定. 请与你的学校和Oxbow的学术主任讨论在线课程,以确保你在到达Oxbow之前获得任何在线课程的学分.
Advanced Placement Credit
因为学科之间的整合是牛津大学学术研究的核心, we do not offer Advanced Placement classes. 然而,我们每个学期都有几个学生选择继续他们的A.P. studies by following along with the sending school curriculum or taking an online course in addition to the core curriculum at Oxbow. The ability to manage such a workload is very demanding; therefore, it is recommended that students limit their independent studies in A.P. to a maximum of two classes. Students who take Advanced Placement exams in Calculus, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, U.S. 历史和环境科学在每年春季的考试中都表现得很好. 不推荐实验科学,因为牛津大学校园里没有任何实验室设施.
Students who need to pursue A.P. 而在Oxbow,学生们被要求在入学前与各自的老师建立定期的支持. It is important for A.P. students to understand that it will require additional work before, during, and after attending Oxbow. Students are encouraged to be self-directed in managing their A.P. workload on their own time. 承担额外工作的牛轭校友热情地表示,在牛轭上学是值得的.
If students plan on taking an A.P. 如果参加春季考试,他们必须通过A学校报名参加考试.P. 协调员在秋季学期,并签署了“延迟测试”日期在家里进行. Students may not register to take A.P. tests in Napa during the Spring semester.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Programs
It may not be possible for students enrolled in full IB (International Baccalaureate) programs to continue IB coursework while at Oxbow; students enrolled in full or partial IB programs should consult with their sending schools to ensure that they will receive credit for Oxbow coursework.
皇冠平台获得了西部学校和学院协会(WASC)的全面认证,也是全国艺术教育协会(NAEA)的骄傲成员。, the Arts Schools Network, the Semester Schools Network, and the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). Oxbow学院是501(c)(3)规定的非营利组织。.
In its consideration of applications for admission, The Oxbow School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, creed, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin.